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hay how do you get bace frenni form seen? i've tried a lot but every time I run into one specific problem "Marie" anyone have suggestions

Explain your problem better please


I need a gay ver.




A very enjoyable little story. The time management aspect can get a bit tense, but you can always find guides if it makes you nervous like me. My only complaint is I wish we got to spend more time with the characters which shows that the writers did a great job at making you like and care about them (there is always room for a slice of life sequel? Wink wink, nudge nudge, puppy dog eyes 🥺).

If you are looking for outright porn there is, but aiming for the good endings means holding back on the good shit until you've dealt with the big bad evil guy, not the main focus of the game. The sex scenes are diabetes inducing levels of sweet, that said, though I reccomend this game for the story and art alone, if you are looking for fap material, well I already said it, it's there just not the focus and it takes a while to reach.

8/10 I want more time with the sweet, robot furry ladies in my life.

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fortnit e


Dear night fox works I don't know the finally ending,could you tell me?please!!!


I want to find the answer but I am a Chinese player so I can't ask help on YouTube,or someone can help me?I am love this game.I'll very thanks if someone can help me,please!!!

Can I PLEASE get a step‐by step walkthrough on how to get the alternate good ending where Frenni doesnt get her new body? Ive tried so many times, looked at that one guy's walk-through, and I still am never faced with a prompt to break in until like night 14.

Nevermind, I figured it out. You have to research paranormal first. Everything else comes after.

Ah what an interesting game indeed! got me hooked on it! Though i mostly did the one ending without doing rule number 1 in the game course... i wish i could without game overs or restarting haha, anyways good job on making this game QUITE ON EDGE, night fox. I know you said theres a sequel to this game, i shall wait cause im sure you probably wont update this anymore if your making a sequel to this.

Dear Night Fox Work, could you tell me please, will this game update or it's all? Just wanted more content cuz there's a lot of potential in a game. (Don't look on my name, this is not my real account.)


There is a sequel game in the works!

Oh, thanks for info, I will wait it like the second New Year! But will sequel be in verse of this game?

Same universe, yes!

Very good, for now I don't have any questions! Thanks for answers. Good luck in development!

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If anyone sees this could you tell me how to get the Zero & Lexy scene

i became a fan of Electric Callboy cause of this game. thank you so much and keep up the good work!


I was also wondering if there will be a sister location one somewhere in the future of fortnight at frenni's fazclaire's???

which is the top middle star again? I swear I've gotten all endings but I don't have that star

This was a fun game 10/10 check out my gameplay! 

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is there and ending with just zero?

Great question that we will never get the answer to.

Unfortunately there is none sorry 😞. There are about 6 endings and so far there are no Zero ending in them.

Entra en mi lista de mejores juegos, como es que un juego asi me transmita tantas emociones (ya no estoy hablando del porno en el juego, estoy hablando de la historia del juego) todo esta planeado, los finales son buenisimos y en alguno me habre puesto a llorar (si, soy fragil mentalmente)

Historia 9/10

personajes 10/10

Porno en el juego 5/10

Conclusion, la historia es genial, sea porno o no

Suerte y gracias a los que escucharon una opinion random de un juego NSFW en una pagina llena de comentarios

 It's been a while, but I finally got around to night 6. 
(1 edit)

I loaded an old save and this keeps  popping up every like 3 minutes help

If your save is from before v0.3, you have to start your playthrough over.


Can someone tell me how to unlock The Main 4?

Im don't know if you already unlocked it or not, But incase you haven't. You need to fully research paranormal and missing persons first, everything comes after

Found a bug where I was male broke in the 1st oppertunity i got freed everyone except bonnfie and marie but marie was locked in the freezer and i was with zero (or also know as golden frenni) and had max programming, max missing people and rest was paranormal i think and i failed because i didn't free bonnfie but i got the type null ending


amazing looking game tho i just started. but i have encountered an error during the first at home interacton with Zero when i chose an hour in heaven. the error message was this:

NameError: name 'male_toggle' is not defined

please help. i really would like to see everything without errors.


What version of the game and what language were you playing in?

i am playing the 1.0 windows version and in English

Hm. Did you load an old save from an old version by chance? If so that would be the cause of the error.

no. its my first time checking the game out.

In that case, please email me a screenshot of the error message it's giving you so I can properly investigate. My email can be found in the credits of the game.


That was... actually a whole lot better than i was expecting. Like, legitimately a great game. I ended up getting the good ending first run, but there was still so much left. I'm curious to know if there's a way to get all identities and free all the girls and still do enough research in other ways to get the good ending. I'll have to do another playthrough to find out. Am very excited for the next game.


There about 6 ending in this novel you need 5 more to complete it, there is a video on how to do the other 5 ending I hope it helps and if you are not interested in the video guide sorry for mentioning it 😔.


Me cree una cuenta aquí solo para decir que está es una absoluta obra maestra, llegó un punto que ya nisiquiera jugaba por el porno, jugaba porque quedé enganchado a la historia

Gran juego!


Tengo una duda... Cuantos finales hay en total? Y cada final agrega una estrella?


4 (si cuentas el final secreto de Lexy (el tiburón animatrónico) y el secreto de Marie entonces 6 si no me equivoco) y creo que para obtener todas las estrellas necesitas todos los finales y todas las escenas de sexo (perdón por el mal español, lo estoy traduciendo con gafas traductoras)


I've come to realize that I have manadged to beat this game, and achieve all the endings and secrets, and yet I still never needed to put a single point in security, lmao


wait last update? As of last update for bugs right? Not for no new content i hope


They're making a second game instead of updating this one, dont worry more Frenni content is still coming :]


From what I’ve heard there are 4 new characters in the second Frenni game 2 of them have been tease in their patreon page go check them out, they also posted a blog about what will see in the second game the one thing that they said is they’re won’t add a female protagonist in the second game which is a little sad 😔 but i would understand that her “Model Employee” ending would be her true ending for her hence why she wouldn’t be in the second game well that my opinion anyway.


a low bow to the developers to the players and their games


Downloaded this as a joke. After actually playing it and getting the same ending three times in row while doing different things I'm very much interested to see if this gets updated more.


When you make it to the thunder storm ritual part postpone it till you have enough points in whatever your lacking in.


How i get marie and zero real name


You can only get Marie's name and you need 1,000 in coding, and 1,000 in missing person to unlock her true identity.


I really wanna a Chinese version,granted that it's machine translation


They just released a Chinese text version! :D




Solo sabe crear obras maestras, simplemente hermoso


Actually a great game, with a story too. Didn't expect it at first.

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Когда я обновил игру с версии 0.3.1. до версии 0.4.1., то диалоги после девятой ночи не отображались. Я переключил язык на английский и диалоги появились, но русский язык обратно не включается. Это версия игры на android.


Так для 0.4.1 ещё не доделали перевод(я разрабам кинул перевод но у меня там 4 ошибки в коде )




An idea for a different point of view in the sequel, maybe we could potentially play as a freed Type 1 (with us still taking over the club)

Nah playing the nightguard and whatnot is where it's at. Have no want in any capacity to play as one of the girls at all

So....have you not gotten the bad ending? If so im not gonna say anything.


ждёмс 4.2


and can you tell me which email to send the file to?


Same email as the one listed at the beginning of the game and in the credits


I sent the file, but if I'm not mistaken, there are 4 errors in the code


Are you still working on the translation?


No, I finished on December 30th. 


In short, here is the Russian translation, but I couldn't do anything with the code (and I couldn't even check the translation)

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