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Hey there night fox works i just wanted to say to you guys that i love the new character “Marie” you going to add in your new upcoming update i can’t wait to see how she will do in the new update but still i am very excited and looking forward seeing her soon.

really good game, love it can't wait to see all the nights

(2 edits)

I LOVE this game and cant wait for the rest!

wait when is the rest coming out?

When it's ready. See the [ROADMAP]

(1 edit)

Are you planing on releasing this game in steam?

I'm not sure if we could do a Steam release given the IP involved

I wish to cuddle.


Happy new year team! (You guys ofc) The one milestone has been reached out of the many to come. Hope you all are doing great. And the game from what I think is quite close to being finished. Either way keep up the great work!

Feliz año nuevo!!!!! Happy new year!!!!



u r really kind loll😊️

(1 edit)

Am I just really dumb or is there only one sex scene? Or are they all as a female.

v0.2 just has the one scene at the moment. There will be 3 in v0.3, and an unknown number in v0.4. v0.4 will feature at least one scene per girl, but there may also be group scenes depending on whom you free.

From what i have heard you can set free one of the girls on the v0.2 by choosing the “missing person research” option for now but i know you can’t reveal more.

Gotcha gotcha. It's a wonderful game so far!

Just finished my first playthrough, definitely looking forward to the complete game!

Have you found all the secrets in your first play through from what i know they are 2 secrets in the 2.2 version you can unlock, the first one is to find “lexy the shark”, and the second one is to set chiku free.

So have you found both of those secrets???

getting an error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2383, in <module>

NameError: name 'male_toggle' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script.rpyc", line 2248, in script call

  File "script.rpyc", line 2383, in script

  File "H:\FrenniFazclaireAlpha-0.2.2-pc\renpy\", line 2133, in execute

    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):

  File "H:\FrenniFazclair\FrenniFazclaireAlpha-0.2.2-pc\renpy\", line 1153, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "H:\FrenniFazclair\FrenniFazclaireAlpha-0.2.2-pc\renpy\", line 1146, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2383, in <module>

NameError: name 'male_toggle' is not defined

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


A Fortnight at Frenni Fazclaire's 0.2.2

Wed Dec 27 22:10:24 2023

had no idea where to report so i hope this helps /shrug

You likely loaded an older save from before v0.2.2. You must start a fresh playthrough to avoid this error!

Would the next update come out January 1st  or something?

See the roadmap. Q2 2024 or sooner.

(1 edit)

Greetings Devs i would like to share a special idea I have once your project is fully finish are you guys going to make a box art, a background art and a logo for your project so that other people can add your game on there steam library as a none-steam game if you like i can give a example what i mean if that okay with you guys ?????

Вопрос: Как выглядит пиццерия?

Hello, I have a question: what is the difference between playing as a woman or a man?

I think you get some different dialogues if you play as a woman (i think) you should try it out and see.


Hi! I would like to join your team and become a translator! I could also write simple music for your game, but unfortunately I'm not capable of anything complicated yet. You can contact me via Discord  my nickname "s1am4ik". I hope that I can help you in the development of this wonderful and interesting game! I will be waiting for your reply. Bye!

Will there be a holiday special for this game in the future?

There are no plans for a holiday special at this time.

I don't want 2 weeks. I want months, years, endless time in this nightclub :]


Hi Dev! I am open for any help incase you need another hand doing this project! 

I would love to see this story goes for a LONG while even if there's very SUSSY content.

I am free via discord only since that i am only required to use. 

Thank you very much for this game


so we can all agree zero > the rest of the animatronics right?

Is there anything to do with the money that you built up in the game?

Starting Day 6, yes!

is lexy in the current version?


Yes she is and there away to unlock her here how to get her.

Step 1: In night 2 when the power is out choose the “search for a vent or another way out to the room” (little note you can choose whatever to do in the vent it won’t matter).

Step 2: In night 3 after replacing the camera in the repair bay “tell zero to go back in her pod” then “restock soda wand” then “Clean up blood”

Step 3: In Night 4 do “Restock energy bars” then “vacuum booths”

After you done all three steps when you begin night 5 Lexy the shark will be unlocked.

I really like this game i cant wait for the next update

Will there be any animated naughty stuff?


I have asked the devs here already but if you have to know most likely no since they told that they don't have the budget to do animations for the scenes but hopefully in the future they do. When they have the budget ofc

Hehe if only you knew

(3 edits)

Ayo man what do you mean by that?

Are secretly working for them? CIA? FBI? Night fox works?

Patreon?(i guess that)

Just got hired as official animator, you'll have to see how my animations look in 0.3.0

OH shi- really? Well I guess I must wait till the date of the marvelous update to see how good the animations will be

Do the research points actually do anything right now is that planned for later

Well from what I’ve heard the research points can help you understand some things about the game story and also help you free the girls as well.



im looking forward to this very much, im also very afraid that this will die like many of the other games on this platform which scares me cuz this is genius, and also we only have one smex scene we need more, im actually gonna look into getting a credit card to maybe support this sometime.

I would love to see fexa in her maid outfit on night 3. 😊 


It's on the list of sprites to do!


Well now that will be interesting to see 🥰🥰🥰🥰.

Awesome game, guys, try in the same vein! Love you♥️

(4 edits) (+2)

Good day Night Fox Works, I have a question regarding the translation of the game. I noticed that there are many mistakes in the Russian translation and there are no corrections for the character’s gender.


It looks funny when you choose a girl, and you talk like a man. I mean this:

Jane: Извеняюсь! Я не хотел подсматривать! Я Джейн Блэк, новый охранник!

Transcription [In these square brackets], read with almost no rules of the English language!!! [Jane: Izvenyayus! Ya ne hotel podsmatrivat! Ya Jane Black, noviy ohrannik]

Jane: I'm sorry! I didn't want to peek! I'm Jane Black, the new security guard!

And read this as a male gender, not a woman gender.


But most likely all this will be fixed, but sometimes it’s funny to see when the words look like this: Взломать [Vzlomat'] - Hack . It is misspelled in Russian translation. I mean, something like this: Взломать [Vzlomat'] - Hack or Взловать [Vzlovat'] - Hack. First is correct, second incorrect. I recommend that the translator double-check each other before inserting the translation into the game.


Of course, I understand that this is an Alpha version, and everything will be fixed, but just when the game leaves Alpha, so that there are no micro updates just because of the translation.


I hope that you will understand what I indicated in the transcriptions 😅

I appreciate the corrections! I'll pass them along to the team.

Will there be voices for the characters in future updates of the game?

Voice acting is far beyond our current budget, so no.


(1 edit)

Hello again I wanted to know if in the upcoming/future updates is there going to find out about themselves and their pasts and what they would do later I think  it will be on v0.4 but is it going to be there cuz that would be crazy plot twist/reveal 

Just a thought. Hope you can consider doing it 

Also the way the sex scene was shown was kinda not it for me like placing dialogue over the scene kinda ruined it for me and also wanted if you would change that in the future updates and please may not take any offence on what I told it's just what I think would be great. 

I'm investigating a possible Gallery mode. Until then, you can hit the "H" key or click the middle mouse to hide text during any scene.

Ok got it thanks for telling 

But about my question in the future lore?



(1 edit)

Will their be animations? I would love to see that in this game.

Likely not as animations and Live2D stuff is out of our current budget. Those sorts of things are massively expensive these days

By the way, question, are they going to add images of the animatronics when they change costumes? and also more emotions, for example, when the animatronics cry in some parts, so that the game is more immersive?

The plan is to add more sprites as development continues!


Omg now I want to know how the story continues, I made a breakthrough with Chiku and managed to learn more about her. Keep up the good work, the truth is that it is a very entertaining story and the characters are very charismatic.

small question will there be a gallery mode

The issue with Gallery Mode is that there's not enough screen space at the moment to include a menu option for it. If I can figure out a solution, then yes. Otherwise, no.

(1 edit) (-1)

Hello night fox works I heard that you are adding Marie(my fav) at night 8 i wanted to know if when you add her are you adding sex scenes for her right after adding her or after a update or two you will add the scenes.same for the other girls which ones  are the team currently working on which of the girls are getting scenes and how many? 

Sorry if too many questions been a while here 

A majority of the H-Scenes will be covered in the v0.4.0 update. Marie especially will require a certain route to see hers.

I see. Is she going just pop up in the story or should we find her like lexy?

Marie arrives Night 8 regardless of what route you're on

got it thanks for telling


Came expecting a shitty porn parody, got enthralled by these incredibly charismatic characters, now I want to do everything I can to get to know these women and help them. Oh and making breakfast after ghost sex won my dumb little lesbian heart.

wait I can be a girl in this I'm sold

Yep! You get to pick right at the beginning

One question, is Lexy in this version? Because I have tried to do all possible paths with different variables and it hasn't worked out, as it appears in an image on the page, could someone tell me how to get to the conversation with Lexy?

She's in! Scroll through the comments and people have outlined how to get her

Here a step by step guide I created on how to unlock lexy the shark.

Step 1: In night 2 when the power is out choose the “search for a vent or another way out to the room” (little note you can choose whatever to do in the vent it won’t matter).

Step 2: In night 3 after replacing the camera in the repair bay “tell zero to go back in her pod” then “restock soda wand” then “Clean up blood”

Step 3: In Night 4 do “Restock energy bars” then “vacuum booths”

After you done all three steps when you begin night 5 Lexy the shark will be unlocked.


You are welcome.

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