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when is the next update


It should be between October, November or December that what I have heard but that could change depending if they fully finish it earlier than expected all we can do is wait and see.

thanks im super excited for the next update

tbh the story is amazing

is the game abandoned


No, It still on development


Heavens No, the dev are still working hard on this masterpiece 😃, According to them the final update of this novel should be finish around October, November or December however they are not committed on a date yet but will likely let us know when the final chapters will be finished then they will upload it on their patreon page then here on the itch site.

Please be patient and rest assured that they are still working on this novel 😉.

Is there going to be a web version 


The assets are too large for a web version, sadly



Hello, please explain how to open the zero and Lexi scene.

okay sorry for asking this but does the game actually have sex scenes 

Yes there are 3 naughty scenes 1 with Zero (a.k.a Golden frenni), 1 with Lexy the Shark, and one more with both Lexy and Zero.


Can you please explain how to get each one in detail please


only 3?!


Yes there are only 3 scenes in the 3.1 update but once the game is fully released there will be more scenes in the game, for now enjoy the 3.1 for now.😉.

Will there be a Portuguese translation in the next update? (If you've already answered, I found this game recently)

How do you input bonfie’s name before she gets the upgrade?


You need to have “missing person research” at 800/1000 but you can’t do that yet until the novel is fully released which should be around October, November or December that what i hear from the dev.


This game impressed and interested me, unlike other games of this type but not this one, I love the story of the game and those unexpected twists and turns, I'm looking forward to all 14 nights.

Is there any chance of a translation into Portuguese?


The game evoked a profound emotional response in me. The visual art and storytelling are impeccably integrated and executed. I eagerly await the completion of this game, as I felt a sense of longing when it concluded at night 9.


The truth is, my respects to you, you made a game with a very good, very incredible story, and I'm going to be honest that I saw it purely by chance, but your game caught my attention so much that I I'm around 2022, I know it when it was version 1.2 Or a little further down, I don't remember if it was 1.0 or 0.5 but I do know his game from almost the beginning And the truth is I have been so faithful to the game and my respects to you and my favorite characters is Bonfie but with a small motto Why settle for one? All of them are incredible. The truth is, I would keep all of them. The story of all of them is incredible. You raffled it off. You seriously have my total respect.And yes, the final version does not matter to me that in the end the game is finished but you have earned my respect for a long time and I really appreciate it, your game entertains me because I want to know It entertains me because I take out every ending it has And there are many alternates signed by Elegant Bonnie 

Thank you very much for answering my questions. I am looking forward to the final version of the game because my favorite girls are Frenni and Chiku, so I am looking forward to rescuing them from the conspiracy

Excuse me, I have only triggered Golden Frenni H CG now. How can the H CG of the other four girls be triggered? Will the final version include more CG related to the girls before they are rescued

You can’t get the H CG scene for the other 4 girls yet in this version however you can get the H CG for Zero (a.k.a golden frenni) and you can get a H CG for Lexy the shark plus you can also get a H CG for both Zero and Lexy together that all you can get in the 3.1 update the rest of the H CG scenes for the other girls will be available in the next and final 4.0 update version of this wonderful novel.

wish we could buy it from the store page instead of going into patreon

The game is free here on Patrons only get advanced copies for a few weeks prior to the public copy.

ohhhh thanks for the clear up

Love the game! Bit of an odd request but would there ever be a chance for there to be a NTR event where Zero and the previous guard get busy behind MC's back?


There will be no NTR in any of our games


Fair enough


How do you get the Lexy scenes in the gallery? I've done quite a few runs and I can't seem to find them. 

(Or a hint at least pls)


You need to unlock her first, there are 2 scene you can get with her the first one is you can have fun with her alone and the second one you have fun with her and Zero.

Here how you can unlock lexy

“First Way”

Step 1: In night 2 when the power is out choose the “search for a vent or another way out to the room” (little note you can choose whatever to do in the vent it won’t matter).

Step 2: In night 3 after replacing the camera in the repair bay “tell zero to go back in her pod” then “restock soda wand” then “Clean up blood”

Step 3: In Night 4 do “Restock energy bars” then “vacuum booths”

After you done all three steps when you begin night 5 Lexy the shark will be unlocked.

“Second Way”

Step 1: Have paranormal research at 400/1000 before night 6 to unlock Magic shop.

Step 2: Buy magic Necklace 

Step 3: In Night 7 choose VIP room

After you done all three steps then Lexy the shark will be unlocked.

Oh before i forget to unlock Lexy the second way you need to save fexa from Mr smith control here how you do it

Step 1: Have the research “Missing Persons” Level at 500/1000 “VERY VER IMPORTANT!!!!!”.

Step 2: In night 2 when the power is out choose the “Tell the girls they have to be good and wait for you Upstairs” (it will help you learn more about the girls).

Step 3: In night 7 choose “Type out on my phone to meet in the VIP Room ” Then “Speak her true name and see what happens” After that Lexy will appear.

I hope this will help you for lexy gallery.



Out of curiosity, will game over scenes, like if you don't masturbate have their own CGs?


They won't. My design philosophy is that rewarding "bad ends" with CGs fundamentally changes how someone plays a game like this, and should be avoided if your goal is to have folks engaged with and invested in your story for the long haul.


I want to know the sequel. But is it possible to make it so that they can take their names and choose their skin color? And of course, it's a pity there are not enough 18+ moments.

Una pregunta para el creador.

Cómo saco el final con lexy?

O eso es en la siguiente actualización?


The Lexy ending is in the next update. If you mean the H-Scene then that is already in the game.

Pero como lo saco?tengo que mejorar algo en específico?

Are there any h scenes?

Can't wait for more

Alguien sabe cómo sacar el final cok lexy?

Does this game have a walkthrough somewhere? If not, do you plan on making one?

Some of the community on Discord have been working on a route guide!

I have a problem though, the discord keeps kicking me out for some reason. I can't react to the bot. It's probably because I have to wait 10 minutes to be a member but it always kicks me out before it reaches 10 minutes. Is there a bug or is there a reason as to why this is happening?

If you're on the web client and you navigate away/log off before getting a role it'll kick you. Otherwise it should leave you alone until you're able to react.

Para ser sincero,la primera ves que lo jugue dije "que carajo es esto?" Pero ahora digo que tiene buena historia y muy buen desarrollo/futuro.

Creo que si le pudieran hacer una jugabilidad como el juego "teaching feeling" pero con las ANIMATRONICAS sería increíble espero lean mí comentario y respondan🙂

Que si les gustaría hacer un juego 3D de fnia con una historia similar a esta


3D stuff is very much outside my wheelhouse. I'd have to hire someone to do 3D models, animations, and programming.

(1 edit) (+2)

All I can say is, wow! After playing your other demo earlier today, I have to say that your team is one of the most consistent and impressive that I've ever seen. I've played a fair few good, occasionally even some great games, but for one team to be working on two demos, with absolutely equal potential (and a lot of it too!) is unheard of. Makes me wish I had a job, genuinely, because damn would I throw money into these.

Amazing work, super excited for both projects! (in case that wasn't clear)


Thank you!

Pregunta curiosa....

Ustedes quisieran hacer un juego que no sea audio visual con su propia historia de fnia?


I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Can you clarify?

i dowloaded the game and windows is saying it might be harmful but when i ran a guick test on f-secure it said no harmful files so i dont know what to do

Ren'Py games often get false positives. It should be safe to play.

Tengo una duda y probablemente sin respuesta pero aquí va...

Ustedes seguirán creando juegos audio visuales de fnia?

So long as Omega and the rest of team want to, yes!


2 preguntas para los creadores...

1.cual es su ANIMATRONICAS favorita 

Y va a haber escenas +18 con todos las ANIMATRONICAS?


1. Secret ;)

2. Yes!


El juego será más largo o solo tendrá las 14 noches?


14 Nights, 13 Days, and the Epilogue!

Disculpa,pero cuando sale la próxima actualización? Y si tendrá un modo estilo teaching feeling


The next release is scheduled for Q4 (Oct/Nov/Dec) 2024. If we get things done prior to that, great. But we don't want to hard commit to a specific date at this time.


I've never played Five Nights at Freddy's, so this game is my first introduction to something related... and I can say that it's much more interesting than I thought.

The characters and their stories are interesting, the sprites are good. Somehow I managed to avoid all the hentai content except for one scene...which I guess is mandatory if I don't want a gameover.

Some gameovers (especially at the beginning) really drove me into a stupor, because I did not understand why they were attacking me.

 Overall, this is a really good and catchy story. I wonder how it will all end.

Well it still unknown when this game end but if all goes well then we might see some news on the final release of this game.

I do love this game as well there are a lot of paths to take in this novel, there are also some interesting hidden stuff that need to be unlock, depending on your path you have taken you can free all (well only three at the moment) girls from Mr Smith control, and many more to come in the next and final update.

I am very happy with this game the dev have made a great visual novel at the moment i am working on taking some notes for a guide to help me unlock everything in the game.

Deleted 308 days ago

Ren'Py games often get flagged as false positives!


can you please make it so you can play this on browse

(1 edit)

as android user This game is really good but when new update come out? I cant wait 

hey hello, by any chance can i change the name of my main character, that is, from josh to a personalized one or will it be implemented in the future?

That functionality will not be added in this project, as it breaks jokes and translations.


ah ok i understand, but in the future you will be relase another project of frenni with this funtion??

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