Quick Early August 2024 Update

Hello all! Another update coming at you!

I want to give folks the heads up that our projection of Aug/Sept 2024 for the release of v0.2 will need to change to Late September/October. We're putting a lot of love and care into the second act, and that means we just need a little more time to cook. Should we release early (or if we need to push back the date again) I will let you all know ASAP.

Thank you all for your support and your patience. We hope to continue to bring you quality content!

Get MalOvent


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Any unofficial teaser update available? Looking forward to v0.2 and pointing a friend at it


cook all you need 


is this a free game or just a demo?



Can't wait for it! Put all the love you need in it to make it your own, we will wait!

Cant wait! I know you guys will do well in the kitchen lol

No problem) we'll wait as long as it takes, take your time :)

Take your time!

Thanks for the update! Take all the time you guys need!!

Super excited!


Take your time!

(1 edit) (+9)

I dont care how long it takes, i say LET THEM COOK id rather not have the second act be undercooked.


Do what ya can and do your best! We'll be here to enjoy it when it's done! 👍🏻


as long act 2 is going to be longer then act 1 then im okay with it


Please take your time, we’re looking forward to it!


Fair enough, do what you have to do!


The love and care is appreciated. I'm happy to wait longer for a better product.