A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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SCP-682 has broken containment once again. [YOU] are a simple hiker in the woods that stumbles upon the beast before it can be re-contained. Can you use your wits and careful offering of food to keep 682 from eating you? If so, you may learn there's more to this violent creature than meets the eye(s)...

Artwork by Croseneu

"SCP-682" by Dr Gears and Epic Phail Spy, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-682. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/experiment-log-t-98816-oc108-682. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"Alarm.ogg" from SCP - Containment Breach | https://github.com/Regalis11/scpcb | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 | License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

For the time being there is only the English version of the game available. Translations into other languages will be addressed in the final builds of this project (i.e. v0.3 and beyond).

All music was made specifically for this project by DJLC. You shouldn't run into any copyright issues if you stream or post your playthrough to YouTube! Though if you do, let us know ASAP!

This visual novel is totally free! However, we rely on your support via Patreon to keep this project and others like it going! With your support we're hoping to be able to devote more time and resources towards creating an unforgettable experience.

For anyone who knows us for our work on A Fortnight at Frenni Fazclaire's or MalOvent, welcome back! This project is being worked alongside the final build of MalOvent, but each project has its own roadmap. Rest assured that we are not abandoning MalOvent, and are committed to finishing both projects to the high standards we hold for ourselves!


BehemothsCurse-v0.1-pc.zip 76 MB
BehemothsCurse-v0.1.apk 82 MB
BehemothsCurse-v0.1-mac.zip 70 MB

Development log


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Ok, call me crazy. Call me whatever you want. I don't care. I will die on this hill. Nightfox works, I think you should make a murder drones visual novel. Now before you write me off, listen. There's real potential here! Nobody has made a visual novel on murder drones yet, and it's super popular! Also I think it's got real potential for horror, think about it. Your a worker drone, and you see a faint yellow light for a second, then before you can even blink, CRUNCH. There goes your front of your head. Please, just think about it, I know you already have a lot on your to-do list, but I'm not joking. It's worth a look, if you ask me. But that's up to you, in the end.

Goddammit, i came here for a monstrous lizard gf, instead i got an anime monster girl. My dissapointment is unimaginable and my day is ruined. Was hyped until the end of chapter 1. Nice dialogue writing and art style tho


We address why she looks like that in the next update! I encourage you to give v0.2 a shot once it's out for the public :D


Just finished build 0.1 and am looking forward to future builds.

If this story has a Happy Ending, there is only one way I can see it playing out. The Foundation implements an "Open Air Containment" policy for 682 and the Protagonist.

The Foundation has been observing 682 since their escape, and took note that it has not killed a certain Human that has been bringing it food. After continual observation, they observed that 682 is markedly less homicidal to the Human race, which they believe to be an effort from 682 to not draw Foundation attention and be separated from their highly tolerable Human companion. Seeing the opportunity to save on resource expenditure in containing 682, the Foundation decides to let 682 and their Human companion remain out in the woods together while being under constant surveillance for if 682 leaves the area and needs to be put back into the acid pool.

Most hype I've been since F@FF. It's peak. I love the direction you guys took, I love every game you guys have made, I hope y'all enjoy it as much as we do playing the peak y'all make. Amazing.

Cannot wait your games are so dam brilliant love em all 👌 thank you for creating this

Man this is too good i can't wait Intel its updated

im sorry to bother but what is Q2?

second quarter of the year

Dang the jumpscare actually got me the first time XD

okie so played a fortnight and malovent now i played this one their so good! check out my gameplay out please!


need to eat her flesh while she rails me



Here's my upvote



If I had to go through this, my actual choices... never would have gotten to her cave in the first place, but if I did I'd be eaten after barely any time at all.

Wouldn't even make it to the cave but if I did the smell of rotting flesh alone, would likely leave me comatose lol


New update???


I don't want to be annoying, but I'm wondering if there's any news about the new update?


Currently undergoing the art pass for v0.2


Ur amazing bro, ur games are just on top

I'll admit. Out of any visual novel I came across, this one really half had me as scared as that time where I played PvZ and desperately wanted to avoid the gameover screen at all costs. This takes the cake for actually being a horror visual novel. It really made me think strategically if I really wanted to survive and avoid that jumpscare that still gets me, even if I expect it.

(1 edit)

This game has me in it's clutches.

I am eagerly waiting to see it continued and one day completed. Please take care in your work and daily life.

(2 edits) (+3)

Was rather surprised your going the monster girl route with 682.Did the text of the MC being unable to tell if the tracks around the dead deer were bipedal or quadrupedal foreshadow that 682 is going to be shapeshifting in the story? Being mid transformation right at the end would make sense if 682 disguises herself when roaming.

Ngl, I was kind of jumpscared by the barely clothed humanoid 682, like I was so sure it was just the regular one, like not so human like




This is absolute peak game can't wait for the full version of it🔥🔥

Short but terribly sweet (and scary) so far, really can't wait to see what you guys will do. Loved your work in A Fortnight at Frenni Fazclaire's and MalOvent.




Se que es una demo y tiene pinta de que la historia que se va a desarrollar va a ser muy interesante pero que lástima que la demo haya sido todo el rato hablando en una cueva con unos ojos xD. Igualmente tiene buen pinta el juego, buen trabajo como siempre.
(2 edits) (+3)

Quick note: I have to fess up and say it.. that jumpscare genuinely made me jump up and hit my head. I I'd be lying if I said I havent been spooked like that in awhile,  so In honor of this I shall be making it into a gif Bravo Nightfoxworks, Bravo.

Edit: I did my best





Great game, I need more!


Oh yeah. Since there's alot of interesting SCPs. Maybe I suggest the SCP-049. But then take your time and don't push yourself and staffs too hard. Death is Easy but Living is Hard.


Is that a Hamilton quote at the end? But also agree.definitely a lot of interesting scps. I personally recommend checking out the joke ones.


I LOVE this just finished playing and honestly wish I didn't learn about it until it was finished because I'm so impatient, also if you're looking for another SCP for your next game may I suggest SCP-953 the polymorphic humanoid (just a thought)

i got it now but i died on day 6 did i do something wrong?

How do I get past day 5?

It's either a typo or this dood's trolling, (to my knowledge) there isn't a day past 5 yet

There is but i dont think you can progress

Oh wrd

i just kept going back and tring every button oce until i got it right but the is the scene qhere is raining then you hinde in the cave and 682 kill you from behind saying  that you brough the cops to her

now that o watched a video now i now how i got that i was a coward path only giving her meatand staying silent and then leaving that way the rain occurs on day 6 and she kills you from behind


Great game! Can't wait for the next part.

i cant pass day 2 everything i do i die is bugged?


If i was rich i give you all my money for more like this



(It's very good)


Damn this got me hooked just like MalOvent, im very excited to what the future holds, beautiful work guys!


I really like what we were given. Obviously it is more of a teaser Demo than anything. However, #@*& ME THAT JUMPSCARE WAS COOL AS Q(#* BOY. In general: This feels like another amazing work by Nigh Fox Works when it is ready.

I liked 0.1 I can't wait to see the rest of the story


Not the first visual novel involving a scaley girl the i have played


Maybe a jump scare warning would be great? Lol. She got me flew out of my chair 4 times, lmao.


Lmao XD, yeah same here I had death count of 3 and had death jump of 3 times knocked out of the chair and my parents rushed thought that I'm having heart attack.




You gotta admit. That was a hell of a jump scare xD. 

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