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May I ask if there is a Chinese translation available

From the looks of it, not yet. They're saying that translations will take place closer to the end of developmemt


Greatly enjoyed what you've made so far! Will future updates of the game be made publicly available?


Yes! Patrons get at least a two week head start, but otherwise the public will get the same releases!


patience is a virtue

this has got wicked potential, im excited to see where it goes

is there a way to play this without having to download

Deleted post

I'm in awe with how amazing just the demo was! I'm honestly disappointed that I'm unable to play the full game, I was drawn in since the beginning and dying to learn more about MalO.

I can not support on patreon as I do not like providing card details on sites like that.

Hope you update the "public" version.


I haven't played it at all yet. But I saw a 30 second clip and I can already tell it's gonna be great.


The idea of erotic VN about MalO is already really neat, but the execution makes it even better and more promising.

Also I know it's like H-game and shit, but my biggest anticipation is to pet the skull, I don't even need anything more than that.


I'm curious.

If you do stick with Mal0, would you be able to fulfill certain desires like Sizeplay?


This is a great start! I can't wait to play more and see where this story takes us! 

How do you get extras? 


The extras menu isn't fully implemented yet. Eventually it will contain all the photos/CGs as well as replay functionality for H-Scenes

Very nice, thank you


Just finished and it is good

Hey there I just wanted to let the developers know that when that my screen sometimes flashes to black on part of my viewing screen . It happens more frequently when I am using the phone on the VN but I think that might some type of visual bug because it does not happen all the time just every once and a while but more when I have the phone up. Just wanted to let you know.


 I just figured it out my settings for my computer were set incorrectly.


thank you for actually making a fem Mal0 look cute  I wanna give it a hug so bad


My guy cooked with this one 🔥🔥🔥. Keep up the good work bro!

(1 edit) (+3)(-7)

Please finish this game and will we be able to kiss the wolf skull girl and have sex with her?

(1 edit) (+1)

Though the demo was short (as one might reasonably expect of a .1 alpha), and my knowledge of the wider SCP-verse has grown rusty and perhaps even outdated, near as far as I can tell you have captured and presented Mal0 faithfully in respect to its lore. I will certainly keep an eye on this one.

To be fair, the original Mal0 article is fairly short, with the 24-/48-/72-/90-hour exposure behavior changes and the "To date, no apparent hostile activity has been reported regarding SCP-1471-A." statement being the main descriptions of what the Mal0 entities actually do when they get close to you, so it leaves a LOT of room for interpretation, even with the hidden "Capone" article describing how it affected the lives of two siblings who downloaded the app.


I have only one question.

Will we be able to pet the skull wolf girl?


I agree with this person we absolutely must be able to pet the skull wolf girl (a.k.a scp-1471)


Already need more!


This is some good shit


you cooked 🗣🗣🔥

Looks really cool but every time I click to cycle text it tries to give me a seizure by what I assume is a full screen refresh because it flashes black then back to the game.


Sounds like you're running into an issue with the shader we're using. It's something we have pegged for a potential fix in future updates.

This is so cool, I can't wait for future updates

Caraca muito bom só não deu pra entender muito porque não tem tradução de português mas muito bom o jogo

The game is good, it caught my attention, I was interested and played until the end, please keep playing the game and translate it into Brazilian Portuguese, it would help a lot

is there a chance of .ipa version coming out

Unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac to do dev work for the iPhone/iPad.


Está bastante bueno me encantó pero como estaba en inglés no pude entender mucho de lo que pasaba. Por fabor pongan una traducción en español les ayudará a llegar a mayor público 

It's pretty good, I loved it but since it was in English I couldn't understand much of what was happening. Please put a translation in Spanish, it will help you reach a larger audience. 


Translations will come once the game is complete!


This is really fucking good! I was so mad when it ended. I'll be watching this for more :)


Same here!




Very cool...


Jesus this story is very intriguing and I cant wait to see a longer version of the story!




There no h scene right now?


Why must you torture us with that cliffhanger ending like this?


I like it a lot i really hope there will be more


My only gripe is I found out about this VN too early because it's fucking GAS and I want more! I'm really excited for Act 2!




Oh, this game turns out to be from the developers of another game that I really like.


I know right, and both games seem really promising.


I like the idea of the game a lot can't wait to see more of it


Love the idea and the demo hope y'all can make something great because I think y'all can.


Came here from Mastermax888,s vid. Great work i already liked your other game. Can i offer you free translation English Turkhısh and dutch if you are interested? my worst is dutch tho.

Will it be updated in Chinese?

Of course there will be Chinese translation,just Stay tuned aight?


The alpha is good the art and soundtrack are good, i already want to see how the game progresses. Good luck developing it.


Will there be pregnancy content in the game?

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