May 2024 Update

Hello all!

I'm excited to say that MalOvent has received nearly 175k views and close to 45k downloads since its v0.1 release on April 26th. The feedback and support has been overwhelmingly positive, and for that both I and the entire team are grateful!

We are hard at work on the next release of MalOvent, with the script projected to be complete around mid-June and the art pass beginning some time in July. The v0.2 is a very hefty update to what's in v0.1, already surpassing 25k words. We hope you'll enjoy all the branching paths and little easter eggs that the Night Fox Works brand is known for!

Some of you have been confused what "Q3 2024" means on the MalOvent roadmap, so I'll happily explain! If all goes well, Q3 means that v0.2 will be released sometime between July and the end of September. The art pass could very well take longer than that from the sheer amount of material involved, but I am cautiously optimistic of the Q3 projection. Rest assured, if it looks like we need to delay, I'll let you know ASAP!

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I have a little problem, my screen is like splitted, it happens to me in most novels, my screen is almost like, splitted in half and moved a bit, it's not about resolution or anything like that

I can't wait for the nest update and to see more amazing arts and character that look so cool


This is wonderful news, and I can't wait to play more of this incredible experience!

That said, please don't crunch. Take your time, pace yourselves. We need more passionate devs and you guys are already killing it

I hope the next update is free


All updates will be free!



I ain't a furry, but this girl is making me feel things....


Same bro, same

Fr got me acting up a lil.


I have just one very important question!

..... Will we be able to give Mal0 headpats at some point in the future?


this... this is a very valid question, that needs a very valid answer.




Excellent! Thank you, my friend! :)



Really love the story on both game!

Even at this stage for MalOvent I cant wait to see what you have in store for us :)




Cool. Both projects (This and frenni's) are pretty great games.