Quick End of July 2024 Update

Hi all! I wanted to let you know that our target release window of August/September 2024 is very much within our reach. The initial art pass on v0.2 has been mostly completed, meaning we now just have to refine what's there and figure out how to handle all the CGs. As per our usual release method, Tier 2 Patrons and up will receive v0.2 two weeks prior to the public release here on Itch.io. 

Thanks for your patience! Good things are coming soon!

Get MalOvent


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Do you hqve specific date for the public release or is going to be a "play by ear" situation

Very much a "play by ear" situation. Nothing concrete yet!


Nice and transparent, actually delivers on promises. I really do wish there were more people like you on this platform.

there are more people like Rahi

Can't wait to see what you guys are cooking :)

Wooooooooooo! Yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about! That's what I have been waiting for!



lets goo